Stillbrooke Homes has made every attempt to be accurate in the content of this site. We also hope we have provided enough information to help you in your decision to purchase a home. Any information that you provide to us is used solely for our marketing purposes. It is our policy not to share your information without your knowledge and consent. Prices and floor plans are subject to change without notice and are made at the discretion of Stillbrooke Homes. We attempt to keep this content updated for your convenience, however, our sales consultants attempt to have the latest information about our homes and this site is representative of the homes we build but is not complete.
Any decision to purchase a home whether ours or not, should be considered a major investment and you should consult with professionals as well and conduct your own investigations. Also, energy efficiency, green language, including GreenSmart, our marketing statements, and Stillbrooke Homes its agents employees and representatives make no guarantee or promise about anything relating to energy savings considerations of resources or similar, all ratings regarding these items are strictly those of manufactures or third parties and not of Stillbrooke Homes.